Red Rose
- Age: 41
- Nationality: English
- Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Red Rose
Red Rose: Night Of Firsts
Red Rose is a 41-year-old mum who’s been working as a nude model forphotographers for a couple of years and wants to take the next stepup. She’s been playing around with sub-dom stuff with her partner butpretty much at the vanilla end of things and that’s where she wantsthe shoot to focus. That means her fuck-it list is a little shorterthan some girls’ are:
- Vaginal fucking- Physical & verbal domination- Bondage (suspension / blindfold)- Orgasms- Spanking- Masturbation- Toy- Cumshot (CIM & swallowing)
But it would be a mistake to judge Rose solely on the standardingredients list we use, guys, because if we did a list of the firststhat she got up to when she was with us, the kind of list which is alltoo rare and beautiful by comparison, then it would be nearly as longand a lot more unique:
- Never shot a porno before- Never cum from being fucked before- Never squirted before (let alone from fucking a cock at the same time)- Never talked like a filthy whore before- And (probably) never cum as many times as the thousands of times that she did
Add to that a honey-dripping pussy pretty much from the start of theday to the end, and do I need to sell this girl to you anymore than Ialready have done? I hope not. Rose is a slow-burn girl, she loves asoft touch, tactile hands, being warmed up, so bear that in mind asyou work your way through the updates this week. We’re not just aboutdestruction & mayhem here at PSS – some of our SubSluts do like theirdomination to come with a lighter and arguably more erotic touch.
The first sex stuff we shot with her was actually the photoshoot whichwe’ll be putting up on Saturday and which is outstanding because she’son the verge of cumming all the way through and she’s trying not tomake it show. The solo vid may be the longest solo vid we’ve shotbecause there’s so much tease in it, then P has a bit of a play withher after she’s cum and makes her pop again.
And then in the scene itself, likewise we don’t rush things and bit bybit she starts to want it harder and she’s saying shit to P about himfucking her hard like a slut and bingo the lady does indeed become atramp and it’s a beautiful metamorphosis to see and thoroughlydeserving of your time.
Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.